Customer stories
Eemelivaappu is a wobbler primarily for salmon fishing. In addition to salmon, Eemelivaappu also works for catching other fish. You can find more pictures of salmon and other fish caught with Eemelivaappu in the photo gallery. This page contains short fishing stories with pictures, gathered from salmon fishermen.
“I have been fishing for salmon with Eemelivaappu for over ten years on the Tornio River. I can tune the swim to the wobblers as I want it to, so they are suitable for all situations and different streams. Eemelivaappu is indeed a good salmon wobbler. I’ve caught a lot of salmon with Eemelivaappu, and that’s why they’re part of my trusted wobblers”

“I probably bought the first Eemelivaapu over 10 years ago. One standard color has remained in the beak of the line ever since on every salmon trip. I only go on approximately two trips in the summer and, on average, I catch one salmon each trip with Eemelivaappu. I have caught about ten salmon with the same-colored lure, (the biggest one weighing 16.9kg) and with other colors I have caught a few. I have said it many times that if you canțt catch a salmon with Eemelivaappu, then you will probably not catch anything. I can warmly recommend it to everyone!”
-Jaakko L

“Eemelivaaput has been my trusted lure for salmon fishing for several years. I’ve also caught my 18,8kg record salmon with Eemeli!”