The story how Eemelivaappu was born:
I saw in a dream how I was tying Eemelivaappu wobbler to the end of the line, and how the rod was bending to its maxium. When I awoke from the dream, I thought to myself how realistic dream that was.
After my morning routines I stepped out of our cabin and noticed how the air smelled of salmon. Before I went to the river to fish, I took the rod, which I saw in my dream bending and tied the wobbler on the end of the line. A little fishing gear tweaking here and there, and I was off. It was a warm day, the sun was shining and the sky was blue and clear.
Suddenly, a small dark cloud appeared in the sky. When the cloud covered the sun the lines were just right,. That was when the rod bent. This was a moment to remember forever!
After a hard-fought battle, the 12kg salmon was caught. The next morning, another, over a meter in length took the bait.
At this point, the idea of developing Eemelivaappu became clearer. Of course, salmon fishing is not always this easy, and it is not really supposed to be.

The name of the Eemelivaappu originated from a real life situation, when a relative of mine, was testing my wobblers. When he caught the salmon with my wobbler, he wondered what name to give to this wobbler in-hand? (In the salmon statistics, there is a place for naming the wobbler which the salmon was caught with). He wrote a name Eemeli on the list.

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